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How Supplements Can Help Fight Aging


woman who had anti aging supplements and treatments in valrico flThe importance of vitamins and minerals for overall health is widely known, but did you know that supplements can help rejuvenate the skin, improve cellular function and make skin care treatments more effective? 

Taking a bunch of supplements and then eating an unhealthy diet will not serve you well. Therefore it is important to make lifestyle changes that align with your anti-aging goals. The need for certain supplements increases with age. The needs of a 50-year-old are different than a 20-year-old. According to the National Institute on Aging, people over 50 should ensure they are getting enough Calcium, Vitamin D, Vitamin B6, and Vitamin B12. 

At Amani Med Spa, we believe in helping patients feel beautiful inside and out. That is why we offer several supplement options. 

Vitamin B12

Known for its ability to keep red blood cells and nerves healthy, vitamin B12 can also improve energy, DNA synthesis, and neurological function. Many people are unable to absorb the vitamin naturally in food because they are lacking a substance called intrinsic factor. Others, simply don’t eat enough foods containing this vitamin. Vegan and vegetarian diets can be at risk for B12 as it is most often present in animal-based foods. Getting your vitamin B12 via an injection bypasses the stomach and gets the supplement exactly where it needs to go – your bloodstream. More information on the benefits of vitamin B12 can be found here

MIC Combo Ultraburn

A combination of Vitamin B12 and Lipotropics greatly increases energy, burns fat more effectively int the body, suppresses appetite by 50%, vastly improves sleep and strengthens the immune system.

Hormone Replacement Therapy

Hormone levels decrease as a normal part of the aging process. The result of this change includes aging skin, decreases in bone mineral density, lean body mass, sexual desire, and erectile function. It can also affect brain activity and mood (remember those moody teenage years?). Our hormone replacement therapy is customized to the unique needs of the individual. We use hormones that are identical to those within the body, which results in fewer adverse reactions and mild side effects. 

Dr. Gina Brar is not only a skilled aesthetic medicine provider, but she is also board-certified in family medicine. Her depth of knowledge in total wellness is critical when choosing the right supplements and hormone replacement therapy. To schedule a consultation with Dr. Brar, call our office or request an appointment online. 

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