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Hate Your Chin? Sculpt and Fill Your Way to a Stronger Jawline


We all know that a well-contoured jawline and a defined chin are important features for a youthful, aesthetic appearance. As we age, we lose muscle tone, collagen support, and bone mass throughout the body, including along the jawline and chin. 

The result can change the way we look. From a receding chin to a sagging jawline, when the lower third of the face droops, so does everything else. Wrinkles and dimples can form along the chin, and the loss of volume over time can make the jaw look soft, undefined, and unbalanced. 

For both men and women, the chin is a feature of importance in one’s appearance. A weakened jawline can make you feel self-conscious and can have a profound effect on your self-esteem. By rejuvenating and sculpting this area, we help restore and improve the way you look and the way you feel about yourself.  

Dermal fillers for the Chin and Jawline

Fortunately, with the strategic use of dermal fillers, we can tighten and lift sagging skin, stimulate collagen growth, and give the jawline a more defined, youthful appearance. By giving the area some volume, we are able to restore, shape, and compensate for any chin wrinkles or dimples. 

Fillers for the chin and jaw are also an excellent choice for patients seeking to add definition to their face for a more balanced and proportional profile. An injected filler can augment the chin, bringing symmetry and contour to the face without invasive surgery.

What to Expect From Chin and Jaw Fillers

Unlike surgery, which can involve weeks of bruising and swelling, dermal fillers offer a less invasive option with minimal complications. The process is simple. It requires injecting the area with a hyaluronic acid gel for results that are often noticeable immediately after treatment and can last for several months. At Amani MedSpa, we use fillers from the Restylane family, including Restylane®, Restylane Lyft®, Restylane Silk®, Restylane Refyne®, Restylane Defyne®, and Radiesse®.

If you would like to see longer-lasting results, you may want to consider a Sculptra treatment. Unlike a dermal filler, Sculptra is a polylactic acid. The effects are not as immediately noticeable because Sculptra actually treats the area by stimulating collagen production. Typically, this type of treatment involves three injections over a timeline of several months, and it can take a few weeks for volume to increase in the affected area. But the results can last up to two years.

For some, a stronger jawline might require losing volume, like stores of fat underneath the chin. At Amani MedSpa, we can help—with a process called Kybella®. This naturally occurring molecule can shave unwanted fat from the area and restore the chin and jawline you used to have. The process involves multiple treatments, and the results are permanent.

How Do I Know What’s Right for Me?

Jawline and chin fillers can greatly enhance the appearance of your face, and each case is unique. The right treatment for you will depend on several factors based on your specific needs, long-term goals, and timeline. 

If you are interested in learning more about chin and jawline treatments offered here at Amani MedSpa, please schedule a consultation with us. We’d be happy to review your options and find the most effective treatment for you. Call us today at 813-685-6111 or email us at hi@amanimedspa.com.

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