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Why People Flock to Sculptra for Natural-Looking Wrinkle Reduction that Lasts


Did you know that after age 18, we begin losing collagen at a rate of 1% annually? Collagen, which is the main structural protein found in skin, helps our skin remain smooth and firm.  Once it starts to diminish, wrinkles begin to appear.

For many women, deciding to minimize the signs of aging using injectables is a big first step and one not taken lightly. For women who would prefer a gradual improvement in their skin without surgery that can last more than two years, Sculptra® Aesthetic may be the answer.

Sculptra Aesthetic is an FDA-approved injectable treatment that is different than typical hyaluronic acid dermal fillers, such as Restylane or botulinum toxins, such as Botox. While both extremely effective, they are quite different.

How Does Sculptra Work?

Sculptra is a poly-L-lactic acid (PLLA) collagen stimulator. Different from other collagen treatments that work on the skin’s surface, Sculptra works on the deep dermis. As the PLLA particles are absorbed, collagen production is stimulated. Stimulating collagen production reinforces the skin’s inner structure and restores facial volume.

How Many Treatments of Sculptra are Needed?

Depending on the individual, the number of treatments can vary. Sculptra works subtly and gradually over time and requires several treatment sessions. However, most receive three treatments completed over a period of three to four months.

How Much Does Sculptra Cost?

The investment for Sculptra is comparable to other injectable treatments, however, during the month of April, we are offering a very special promotion! When you purchase three vials of Sculptra, you will receive one free! That is a savings of $850!

What do Sculptra Clients Have to Say?

According to Galderma, the manufacturer of Sculptra Aesthetics, 80% of users were still satisfied with their results 25 months after their last treatment.

Is Sculptra Right for Me?

Do you want to treat more than just wrinkles, lines and folds, have subtle results that emerge gradually over time? Do you want to achieve a full-face rejuvenation? If you said “yes” to any of these questions, then Sculptra may be right for you.

To learn more about Sculptra Aesthetic and the other injectable treatments available at Amani MedSpa, click here.

If you are ready to begin your Sculptra Aesthetic treatments, we invite you to schedule a consultation with Dr. Brar.

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